What is STEP?

STEP stands for Simple Tag Exchange Program. It is a service provided by McRoberts to make it easy to manage your MyChild security tag inventory for per-patient use with your MyChild patient protection system. What is included? McRoberts manages your tag inventory. You send your used tags back to McRoberts each week. Each week you receive the same number of tested and disinfected tags back.

  • What is included?

    McRoberts manages your tag inventory. You send your used tags back to McRoberts each week. Each week you receive the same number of tested and disinfected tags back.  

  • Who owns the tags?

    McRoberts Technologies. You simply use the tags under a service agreement.

  • What are the benefits of the program to me?

    STEP integrates seamlessly with clinical practices and relieves you from the burdens of cleaning tags, managing inventory, and the purchasing process when tags’ batteries die.

  • How many tags will I get?

    The birth census of your hospital determines the number of tags that are assigned to your Total Tag Population. Your initial shipment of tags contains a three-week supply, which provides a sufficient number to be at your facility and for some in transit back and forth from your hospital to McRoberts.

  • What do I have to do?

    Each week you have to send your used  tags to McRoberts. McRoberts will ship you back the same number of tested and disinfected tags.

  • What if I run out of tags?

    The program is designed so that at any time, a third of the tags are in use, a third are in the hospital’s inventory and a third are in transit or in cleaning. The Total Tag Population can be adjusted at any time.

  • How much does it cost?

    The cost of your STEP contract will be calculated based on your birth census. Invoicing is monthly. Already own your tags? McRoberts will give you a $30 per-tag credit for functioning tags.

  • How does the cost compare to owning and disinfecting our tags?

    STEP is cost-effective. On average, hospitals who convert to STEP have enjoyed significant overall cost savings considering the capital and labor cost of purchasing tags, the labor cost of disinfecting in-house, and the labor required to manage the inventory.